Sunday, November 7, 2010

Infatuation Gone Wrong Chapter 16

I ran to the security and they checked my bags, the plane was about to leave but I ran to the airport ticket person. I got to my seat only first class of course. *laughs* I sat down and got ready for take off. I hope Andrea was going to be happy to see me. (With Jenn and Kevin) Kevin: Come on lets go home Jenn: Alright *gets in the car and sighs* Kevin: Whats matter baby? Jenn: *looking out the window* Im so happy for Andrea and Nick, and Joe and Hales but what about us? Kevin: What do you mean? Jenn: Kevin! We havent even had sex yet! Kevin: Oh right Jenn: I just want our relationship to have some kind of future like everyone elses, but were still at the same base we were when we first started dating. Kevin: It will come soon Jenn, I promise. Jenn: Good or Im going to someone else Kevin: WHAT?!?!? Jenn: Kidding (With Hales and Joe) Hayley: Im so happy for Nick and Andrea *looks at Claire* Joe: I am too. They really love each other Hayley: Im glad Nick went to live with Andrea for now; she really needs someone to take care of her Joe: I know. Its like when u were pregnant with Claire. (With Nick) I sat on the airplane, looking out the window and staring out at the clouds. I couldnt watch a movie, I was too excited to see Andrea. I mean she was having my baby; I couldnt wait to be the father of her child. The plane finally landed, I got my luggage and got a taxi. The taxi finally stopped in front of Andreas house. I saw her sitting on a blanket, listening to her Ipod and ...

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