*The story starts out wen Catherine and Kristen r trying 2 find Edward. Ever1 else has already been cast. Kristen just cant find a connection with any of the guys that have already auditioned. Kristen is dating Michael, but their relationship has been a bit rocky b/c of their busy lives.* Kris:Catherion we r never going 2 find Edward...all of these guys i just cant find a connection with Catherion:We will find him...there is 1 more guy and he may be the 1 he is from England Kris:Well bring him in *Catherine goes out and yells 4 Robert* Robert:(He walks in kind of shy and smiles) Hi Im Robert Pattinson, but u can call me Rob *Thinks:WOW she is Beautiful. I really hope i get 2 work with her.* Catherine:Well hello Rob this is Kristen Stewart she is playing Bella Kris:(She shakes his hand and smiles) Hey but u can just call me Kris *Thinks: Man he is georgeus. I didnt kno British men were smokin HOT!!!* Rob:Well its nice 2 meet u (Smiles) Catherine:Well lets get started...i want u guys 2 do the resturant sceen Kris and Rob:Ok *They do the sceen and they did great* Catherine:Well that was great...if u dont mind i would like 2 do the kissing sceen in my room...ru up 4 it *Kris and Rob look at each other and smile then look at Catherine* Kris and Rob:Sure *The go up 2 Catherines room and do the kiss. Wen their lips touched an electric shock went through both of their bodies. Wen they pull away they just look at each other and smile.* Catherine:Well Rob i think ur our Edward...u ...
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