New Moon Set Drama and Tensions: Fact or Fiction? Fighting, jealousy and ugly rumors on the set of NEW MOON. And apparently, the drama is not in the script. I'm Dana Ward with the deets on the Twilight sequel. A tornado of gossip about behind-the-scenes on NEW MOON reveals that things are just not as they seem. In the original movie, all of the players were happy and getting along, some even rumored to be dating in real-life. Of course, Robert Pattinson got labeled as the breakout star, the perfect boyfriend and the new celeb hottie. But now, the talk is that the vampire actor's star is about to shine itself out. I have to remind you that it is reports - NOT CLEVVER TV - that are saying Robert is feeling down about his heartthrob role from Twilight being taken over by Taylor Lautner's werewolf persona in New Moon. We all know that Kristen Stewart and Lautner have a lot more one-on-one, intimate scenes in the film follow-up and it's reportedly making Pattinson jealous - plus, the fact that Taylor beefed up with about 30-pounds of muscles doesn't help Robert's case either. And to make matters worse, the movie crew is apparently talking negatively about Pattinson's hygiene - saying he's got BO - and they're saying his pickup lines are just plain bad. And do we have to even mention that Robert has, in passing, said he's not the most sporty of types and that the entire new cast of NEW MOON is full of athletic hotties. So here we are - asking you guys - what's up with these ...
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