Sunday, April 11, 2010

Teen Talk Episode 3 - Love and Dating

The next episode of Teen Talk. Kenny and his brother Keith (who takes over after an altercation with a guest--again) talk about love and dating. First up is former guest J-Pop Star/prostitute Kiko, who has fallen in love with a client, much to the dismay of her pimp, Subaru Mitsubishi. Keith takes over for an interview with the Twilight cast. As always, I must add the disclaimer that this is FOR FUN. We don't advocate domestic abuse. Also, please don't take the Twilight thing personally. We are NOT claiming that Rob and Taylor are gay together, that Rob & Kristen do cocaine or that Taylor is a bumbling idiot, because our impersonations aren't really based off real interviews--it's just our impression. Also, you probably shouldn't watch this if you're in love with any of them. Danielle Fallon - Kiko Kevin Fallon - Subaru Mitsubishi/Keith Kenderson Nicole Fallon - Kristen Stewart Ryan Fallon - Kenny Kenderson/Rob Pattinson Shawn Fallon - Taylor Lautner

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