Thursday, March 18, 2010

Robert and Kristen Share A Moment On Stage in Munich

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart only had eyes for each other up on stage in front of tons of fans during the HVB youth event at the Olympic Hall in Munich today. They were there with Taylor Lautner and Christopher Weitz, promoting New Moon, but it's hard to focus on anyone other than the famous duo. Kristen looked sexy in yet another hot little number, this time by Gucci, while Rob dressed down his suit by sticking with a chest-baring v-neck. This weekend's NY Times has a great article about Kristen and ICYMI watch our interviews with Taylor, Robert and Miss Stewart herself. Just think, in one week from now we'll all have seen New Moon, or many of us at least, but there are still a few jam packed days of promotion left for the stars of the movie as they return to the states for their big premiere and the talk show circuit.

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